Victorian Public Mental Health Services Enterprise Agreement 2016

The Victorian Public Mental Health Services Enterprise Agreement 2016 (VPMHSEA) is an agreement between the Victorian government and public mental health workers in the state of Victoria, Australia. It sets out the terms and conditions of employment for these workers, including salary, working hours, and other benefits.

The VPMHSEA was negotiated between the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and the Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association (VAHPA) on behalf of mental health workers in Victoria. It covers a range of mental health services, including acute inpatient units, community mental health teams, and specialist services for children and young people.

One of the key features of the VPMHSEA is the provision for a pay rise for mental health workers in Victoria. The agreement provides for a 2.5% pay rise each year for three years, starting in 2016. This means that mental health workers in Victoria are guaranteed a pay rise that is above the rate of inflation and that will help to ensure that their salaries keep pace with the cost of living.

The VPMHSEA also includes provisions for improved working conditions for mental health workers in Victoria. For example, it provides for a reduction in the number of hours that mental health workers are required to work each week. This is aimed at improving work-life balance for these workers and reducing the risk of burnout.

Another key provision of the VPMHSEA is the introduction of a new classification system for mental health workers in Victoria. This system is designed to ensure that mental health workers are fairly classified based on their skills and experience, and that they are paid accordingly. This is important because it helps to ensure that mental health workers are valued and recognized for the work that they do.

Overall, the VPMHSEA is an important agreement that helps to ensure that mental health workers in Victoria are treated fairly and that they are recognized for the important work that they do. It is an example of how unions, employers, and government can work together to improve conditions for workers and to provide better services for the community.